How to send ERC20 & ETH to multiple address in one transaction?

To send ERC20 tokens and Ethereum (ETH) to multiple addresses in a single transaction, you can use a service like Bulk Token Sender. This tool streamlines the process, allowing efficient and cost-effective transfers or airdrops of tokens. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to use Bulk Token Sender for this purpose:

  1. Visit the Bulk Token Sender Website: Go to Transfer or Airdrop using Bulk Token Sender.

  2. Connect Your Wallet: On the Bulk Token Sender website, connect your Ethereum wallet. This is typically done through a web3 interface like MetaMask. Ensure you have enough ETH in your wallet to cover transaction fees.

  3. Select the Token Type: Choose whether you're sending ERC20 tokens or ETH. If it's ERC20, you'll need to specify the token by entering its contract address.

  4. Enter Recipient Addresses and Amounts: Input the addresses of the recipients and the amount of tokens or ETH you wish to send to each address. This can usually be done in a list format, either typed in manually or uploaded via a CSV file.

  5. Verify and Approve the Transaction: Before proceeding, double-check the details of the transfer, including the recipient addresses and amounts. Once everything looks correct, approve the transaction.

  6. Sign and Execute the Transaction: Finally, sign the transaction using your wallet. This will broadcast it to the Ethereum network. Keep in mind that the transaction will consume gas, which is paid in ETH.

  7. Wait for Confirmation: After executing the transaction, wait for it to be confirmed on the blockchain. The time taken for confirmation can vary depending on the network congestion.

  8. Receipt and Transaction History: Once the transaction is confirmed, you should receive a receipt. You can also view the transaction history in your wallet or on a blockchain explorer for further verification.

Remember, when using services like Bulk Token Sender, always ensure you're visiting the legitimate website and double-check all transaction details to prevent errors or fraud.

Last updated