Why do I keep receiving this error? 'revert ERC721: transfer caller is not owner nor approved'

To understand why you're receiving the error 'revert ERC721: transfer caller is not owner nor approved', it's important to first introduce the concept of Bulk Token Sender and its role in the transfer or airdrop of tokens or NFTs. Bulk Token Sender is a tool designed to facilitate the mass transferring or airdropping of tokens and NFTs, streamlining the process for users who need to send digital assets to multiple recipients.

Now, regarding the error message you're encountering:

  1. Understanding the Error: The error 'revert ERC721: transfer caller is not owner nor approved' occurs in the context of Ethereum blockchain transactions, specifically with ERC721 tokens, commonly known as NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens). This error message means that the transaction is being attempted by an address that is neither the owner of the NFT nor an address that has been given approval to transfer the NFT on behalf of the owner.

  2. Ownership Verification: First, verify that the address attempting the transfer is indeed the owner of the NFT. Ownership is a fundamental concept in blockchain technology, and only the owner's address can initiate a direct transfer of an NFT.

  3. Approval Check: If the address attempting the transfer is not the owner, then that address must be explicitly approved by the owner. In the Ethereum blockchain, this is typically done by calling the approve function of the ERC721 contract, granting another address the right to transfer a specific NFT.

  4. Using Bulk Token Sender: When using Bulk Token Sender for the transfer or airdrop of NFTs, ensure that either the owner's address is used for the transaction or that the owner has granted approval to the Bulk Token Sender's address to transfer the NFTs on their behalf.

  5. Smart Contract Interaction: This error can also arise from incorrect interactions with the NFT's smart contract. Ensure that the smart contract code is correctly implemented, particularly regarding ownership and approval mechanisms.

  6. Gas and Network Issues: Sometimes, blockchain network congestion or insufficient gas (the fee required to conduct a transaction on the Ethereum network) can lead to failed transactions. Ensure that you have enough gas to complete the transaction.

  7. Seeking Further Assistance: If the problem persists, consider reaching out to the support team of Bulk Token Sender or consulting with a blockchain developer for more specialized assistance.

Remember, handling NFTs and using tools like Bulk Token Sender require a good understanding of blockchain technology and smart contract principles. Always proceed with caution and ensure that all necessary permissions and approvals are in place before initiating transactions.

Last updated